Teale's Top Ten: Backstage Supplies for Two Show Days


I always joke that packing my backpack for a two show day feels like packing for summer camp. When you are locked in a windowless theater all day, you need a lot of supplies! (Or maybe I just do because I’m a littleeee bit high-maintenance.) Here is a list of what I have in my backpack (and dressing room station) on a typical two show day!


01. Sneakers.

Closed toe shoes are a must for anyone working backstage. Personally, I love being comfy at all times, so I’m always wearing sneakers (usually Adidas). I even keep two extras pairs (Nike & New Balance) at the theater just in case!

02. External charger.

I always have a Mophie battery with me. I got into this habit a few years ago when I discovered this cute little guy. Since then, I have graduated to this giant Mophie. I absolutely love it because I’m very extra and it allows me to charge three devices at one time!

03. Water bottle.

Obviously staying hydrated is always important! I've found if I have giant water bottles with me at all times, then I drink more water. Crazy, I know.

04. Airborne and Emergen-C.

Working in a gigantic theater with more than a hundred people is basically like working in a giant pertri dish. PLUS, I am constantly touching people due to the nature of my job. It is super important to stay healthy, not only for myself, but because I don't want any of my actors to get sick either. So, I like to keep Airborne and Emergenc-C at my station just in case.

05. Sweatshirts.

Backstage can be surprisingly cold, so I always keep a sweatshirt at the theater just in case. (Plus I love being cozy at all times.)


06. Dry Shampoo.

Two show days can be longgg, and sometimes my hair needs a little pick me up! I always keep dry shampoo in my dressing room drawer. Sometimes my wicked ensemble girls even borrow it!

07. iPad mini.

I couldn't function without it. I love how tiny it is, and I carry it with me everywhere! I also have a bluetooth keyboard case for it, so I can easily work on blog posts and respond to emails on the go.

08. Glossier Balm Dotcom.

I think I've already told you guys how much I love this lip product, but I can't say it enough! I'm obsessed with the birthday cake flavor. 

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09. Snacks!

Right now I am going through a sliced apples and veggie chip phase. I also always love RX bars and Lara bars!

10. Shoe spray.

I always get self-conscious about my sneakers getting stinky, so I keep a bottle of deodorizing shoe spray at work and at home. It's not glamorous but I love it, and it works.

11. Hershel backpack.

This trusty fellow deserved an honorable mention. I can fit SO MUCH stuff inside, and this backpack is super durable.


Images by Courtney Cope




On The Road: Daniel Beeman


On The Road: Jenny Florkowski