On The Road: Lucy Anders

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I am so excited to introduce you to this week’s On The Road actor, Lucy Anders! Lucy is an Ohio native and studied musical theatre at Baldwin Wallace University. She loves Diet Coke, visiting The Metropolitan Opera and living in Washington Heights (when she’s not high-kicking her way across the country.) Lucy is currently traveling around the country with the first national tour of the hit musical Something Rotten. She’s absolutely adorable and I hope you enjoy getting to know her!

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How long have you been a performer?

I did my first show when I was 5 years old! So, I have been a performer for almost 20 years.

What was your "big break"? 

Dancing in an omlette! The Something Rotten 1st National Tour.

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Is this your first national tour and who do you play in the show?

Yes! I am in the ensemble (aka high note from the left) and I understudy Portia.

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What is your favorite show you've ever worked on?

My favorite show I’ve ever worked on would have to be a production of FOLLIES I did in college.  It was one of the most beautiful shows I have ever done! AND I got to wear the best (and most expensive) costume.

With fellow cast member Kate Bailey.

With fellow cast member Kate Bailey.

What are some items you absolutely can't live without backstage?  

Water Bottle, Lacrosse Ball and Diet Coke!

What is the most interesting day at work you've ever had?

It’s always an interesting day when we have more than one female out of the show!  We have one female swing (who is AMAZING) so when multiple girls are out it’s an amazingly interesting puzzle!

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What has been your most memorable OR most hilarious moment on tour so far?

Well, I currently hold the falling record for the ROTTEN ensemble. I have fallen 4 times in the show….and it always happens when I’m down center.  Not stage related, but we hiked in Rocky Mountain National Park while in Denver and that is one of the most amazing things I’ve done (and seen) while traveling.

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What is your favorite thing about your job?

The family we have created and getting to perform the show for different people every night.  We are so lucky on the SOMETHING ROTTEN tour that we all actually get along. We are one big (slightly dysfunctional ☺ ) amazing family.  Performing SOMETHING ROTTEN for America has been so cool.  The audiences in every city laugh and applaud at different things and consistently love the show.  It’s an honor to make America laugh again.

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What is the most challenging part of being an actor on tour?

Not eating pizza every night and remembering what time zone I’m in so I don’t call my mom in the middle of night. It can be challenging to eat well when you’re living out of hotels, flying every Monday, and when cities shut down after 10.  That is something I really have to work at. I learned the treachery of different time zones while I was in LA. My parents live in Ohio, so if I wanted to tell them about the show that night it would be 1 or 2 in the morning when I would call. They didn’t like that!

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What is your favorite fun fact about Something Rotten?

I’m not sure this is a FUN fact, but when we are dancing in our eggs we are totally blind!

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What is your favorite number to preform in your show?

The act 1 closer, BOTTOM’S GONNA BE ON TOP.  It’s the only time in the show when the whole ensemble is on stage tapping and singing together. Every time we do that number I’m reminded of why I love my job, this company, and this show.

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How does it feel to be a giant dancing egg?

Strange!! But when the eggs arrive on stage and the audience realizes what they’re seeing, it’s totally amazing!!

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What is your favorite part about telling this story every night?  

My favorite part about telling this story every night is getting to remind the audience how awesome musicals are.  Our first big number in act one, A MUSICAL, stops the show almost nightly and it’s truly a fantastic moment.

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What is it about this job that makes you come back each day?  

The audience and my company members. There is nothing better than getting to share a story with a new audience and perform with your friends.

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What is the best advice you've ever been given?  

To take all advice and to give none.

What advice would you give to a young person who wants to move to NYC and pursue a career in the arts?

Learn everything and be prepared to hustle!

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What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?

THE PRODUCERS! I was 7 and my Uncle was conducting!

What is your favorite Broadway show you've ever seen?

THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA.  After my mom and I saw it we went running down the street singing, “We’re on vacation!!”

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What is your favorite restaurant or bar that you've found on tour?

The Stuffed Olive in Des Moines, IA! It’s a fantastic martini bar with an amazing happy hour.

What is your favorite city you've visited on tour so far?

I can’t pick just one! I loved Dallas, Philly, Boston, San Francisco and Seattle….just to name a few!

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What is your favorite costume in Something Rotten?

My fancy dress! It’s a beautiful gold dress designed by Gregg Barnes.  I feel like a Renaissance Belle every night!

What is your favorite costume you've ever worn?

I played Young Heidi in FOLLIES in 2012 and wore the most beautiful dress designed by Charlotte Yetman.  

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Images by Karl Magnuson

The National Theatre

Washington D.C.


On The Road: Lenne Klingaman


On The Road: Kate Bailey