On The Road: Allison Bailey

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This week's On The Road interview is with the gorgeous Ozian babe Allison Bailey! She is a Boston Conservatory alumni and is now traveling around the US with the national tour of Wicked. Allison and co are currently in Chicago, and a few weeks ago, she had a little photo shoot at her theatre with my incredible local photographer, Monica Winters. I just about died over these pictures, and I hope you enjoy getting to know this dynamic actor!

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How long have you been a performer?

I have been performing since I was seven. I started in community theatre and would always be involved with a show every summer. Then throughout middle and high school, I would do three or four shows a year.

How long have you been on tour?

I have been on tour for two years now! 

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Who is the coolest celebrity you have ever met at work?

Katherine Webb and DeeDee McCarron came backstage after one of my Glinda performance. I love football (Roll Tide) and couldn't have been more excited to meet them. They are the sweetest of people.  

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What has been your most memorable moment on this tour so far?

My Glinda debut in St. Louis was my most memorable moment on tour so far. It was at Christmas time, so my sweet family had come to visit me for the holidays. It's hard to explain the kind of rush you feel when you clear the curtains and see the audience for the first time, but finding my mom in tears on the fifth row will always be a special moment for me. 

What is the most challenging part about being an actor on tour?

Packing can be a challenge when changing cities, but I've learned how to organize everything pretty methodically. Traveling is super fun though. We get to live in different neighborhoods and feel like a local. It's like having a new apartment every month. 

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What is the most surprising part of your job?

It truly takes a village to make the magic happen. From our dressers and hair team to our stage managers and backstage crew, these people work incredibly hard to make our job look easy. Just as we have choreography onstage, there is the same amount of movement going on behind the curtain to make sure everything runs smoothly. We are so thankful for them!

What is your favorite song in Wicked?

Popular of course! It's such a fun song and one of the first moments in the show where the two girls begin their friendship. 

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What are some items you absolutely can't live without backstage?

I love snacks, so I keep many with me at all times backstage. Watermelon and Annie's Cheddar Bunnies are my solid go-to. We are at the theatre a good amount of time during our run, so I like to decorate my station with pictures of my family and friends and artwork from sweet fans of the show.

What is it about this job that makes you come back each day?

I think I have the best job in the world, and the audience reminds me of that every day. I remember sitting at the Gershwin Theatre as a 13 year old watching Wicked for the first time and being completely in awe of the show. It's so exciting and humbling to think of the little girl or boy that is watching now for the first time too. 

What is your favorite part about telling this story every night?

My favorite part of telling the story every night is seeing how relatable the character are to every audience member. I think we all have felt a little different or isolated at some point in our lives, and Elphaba and Glinda's journey of acceptance, rejection, and friendship really resonates in each city. It's wonderful to share a story with two strong female leads. which is just now starting to become more prevalent in the industry. 

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What advice would you give to a young person who wants to move to NYC and pursue a career in the arts?

I would tell anyone who wants to move into this industry to have perseverance. Success in any field usually doesn't happen overnight. During my first year in the City, I would wake up at 4am to audition during the day and work two survival jobs at night. And that year was filled with rejection and heartbreak. I cannot control every aspect of my life, but I can determine how hard I work. I truly feel good things come to those who keep trying and continue to push forward.

Pictured with the current tour Elphaba, Mary Kate Morrissey.

Pictured with the current tour Elphaba, Mary Kate Morrissey.

What piece of advice would you give to your 18 year old self?

Around this time in 2010, my 18 year old self was auditioning for colleges at Unifieds here in Chicago. Since it wasn't possible to visit every college I had interest in, Unifieds made it easier to audition for several schools at once (I actually auditioned for BoCo here). I was a bundle of nerves and filled with so much uncertainty during this time. I wish I knew then that worrying about the future would never change the outcome, and life would fall into place the way it should. God has such a sovereign hand in my life. Sure there were plenty of speed bumps and tears some days, but I grew from them and landed where I am today.

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What is the best advice you have ever been given?

The best advice I have ever been giving is to be kind. Kindness is never overrated, but always appreciated. The way someone treats others is far more important to me than talent ever will be.

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Fun Facts:

Where did you attend college?

I attended The Boston Conservatory and graduated with a BFA in Musical Theatre.

What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?

My first Broadway show was The Lion King. I took a trip as a fourth grader to the City and was completely enamored by the show. 

What is your favorite Broadway show you've ever seen?

My favorite Broadway show is Wicked :) but seriously, the show has been around for over half my life. I decided to pursue musical theatre as a career after seeing Wicked for the first time. Fun fact: I sang Popular for my college showcase!

What is your favorite costume you've ever worn?

My favorite costume I have ever worn would definitely be the bubble dress. The detail is incredible, and I don't think I have worn anything heavier in my life. 

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What is your favorite US city you've visited on tour?

My favorite city on tour has been Washington, D.C. It was such an honor to stand on the Kennedy Center stage, let alone perform there for four weeks. It was a dream. 

What is your favorite restaurant you've found on tour?

My favorite restaurant that I found on tour is Restore in Cleveland, Ohio. They have the best avocado toast, smoothies, and acai bowls. I am a huge fan of matcha, so stopping for their lattes became a daily routine. 

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Images by Monica Winters

Chicago, Illinois 


Happy Trails Princess Jasmine


Theater History: Cats