On The Road: Claudia Yanez


This week's On The Road interview is with my gorgeous friend Claudia Yanez! She is a Boston Conservatory alumni and is currently traveling the United States with the first national tour of the hit Broadway musical On Your Feet. I have loved watching Claudia live out her dream the past few months and hope you enjoy her interview!


What role do you play in On Your Feet?

I play Rebecca Fajardo, Gloria’s troublemaker little sister and I cover Gloria Estefan. Playing Rebecca is the most fun because during previews Gloria gave me free reign to get in trouble and flirt as much as I can onstage. It’s basically the funnest track ever. Playing Gloria will be just as fun but it also comes with the sense of responsibility of carrying the torch for our leading lady, Christie, who does such a beautiful job of leading our incredible company. I’m very excited and up to the challenge.  


What is your favorite show you've ever worked on?

This one!! I remember seeing On Your Feet! on Broadway when it was in previews and having to physically restrain myself from going onstage. Haha.. but really, I sat in the audience and I knew that this was something that I needed to be a part of and I had a weird peace about it. I knew it would happen. 


Who is the coolest celebrity you've ever met at work?

It’s a tie between Gloria Estefan and Lin Manuel Miranda. Gloria is someone I’ve looked up to my whole life and Lin Manuel is a huge reason why I felt like I could pursue a career in theater. They both paved the way for Latin performers in their own mediums and have been such huge influences in my artistic life. I still can’t believe I’ve gotten to meet them and that I get to work for one of them!! I also get the chance to cover Gloria on tour which is like *pinch me*. This Miami girl couldn’t be happier. 


What is the most interesting day at work you've ever had?

I think this would have to be at Spamilton, one day two of our boys were out and we only had one male cover. I was the female standby and I volunteered to play a male track (I really believe in teamwork and I had seen the show 25 million times). I was like “put me in coach”! Our producers considered it for a second too! But, one of our guys ended up doing the show with a cold. *Thank God, cause I would’ve done it too* Never a dull moment!  


What has been your most memorable moment on this tour so far?

Opening in Miami was really special. I got to wear a beautiful gown (I love clothes haha) I got to perform at the theater I grew up seeing shows at (The Adrienne Arsht Center and we got to bring this story that is a love letter to Miami back home. It was a night I will never forget.  


What is your favorite thing about your job?

Connecting with my fellow actors onstage. We have so many little moments together as an ensemble and inside jokes. It’s a lot of fun every night. 

What is the most challenging part of being an actor on tour?

I love taking class and voice lessons and working on my craft and it’s very hard to prioritize that when you are on the road. You have to be really really adamant about getting your warm ups in and not getting comfortable in where you are as a performer. It’s also hard to let go of whatever is happening in New York when it comes to auditions, as actors we are constantly looking to book the next show and so when you have steady employment that you love you have a moment when you are like wait shouldn’t I be hustling? You have to make a conscious choice to enjoy the moment you are in and not rob yourself of living your dream because you are worried about what’s coming next. 


What's a random fact about touring that people are always surprised to learn?

This is something I actually didn’t know, our dressers don’t travel with us. We have a star dresser and two heads of wardrobe who travel with us but that’s it. Every time we are in a new city we have to teach the local dressers  what our costume changes are and where our quick changes are. That can get tricky for our dressers because they do the show without seeing it so “opening night” is the first time they are doing our changes. It’s pretty crazy because we have A LOT of costume changes in our show. I’ve been lucky to have some awesome dressers. It’s a big lesson in rolling with the punches and being a gracious actor because we are all working together as a team to give the best show. Team work makes the dream work.


What piece of advice would you give your 18 year old self?

I would say be yourself. Don’t apologize for who you are and what you bring to the table. And I would say keep listening to that voice inside you that is telling you that you are on the right track (cause you are). 


What is it about this job that makes you come back each day?

I’ve never had the chance to be 100% myself onstage when it comes to my Latin background. I was born in Venezuela and grew up speaking only Spanish at home. One of our opening numbers is called Tradicion and it’s a celebration of my Latin culture. I honestly could just do that number and leave feeling fulfilled and like I got to live my dream that night. The fact that there are two more hours of stage time after that is the cherry on top of a very delicious cake. 



What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?

Hairspray!! Directed by Jerry Mitchell who is our director at On Your Feet! I didn’t make that connection until now, AH!! 

What is your favorite Broadway show you've ever seen?

Hamilton and Bright Star. *Carmen Cusak in Bright Star- I will never forget that for as long as I live*


What is your favorite US city you've visited on tour?

Our tour just started but I loved St. Louis. We stayed at a Westin and I had a massive room and it was my birthday (I got two cakes!!). The audiences in St. Louis were also so much fun. It was epic!! 


Images by Meghan Doherty

Cleveland, Ohio


How To: Kill Time While Staying Warm in Midtown


Happy Trails Princess Jasmine